All maintenance must be in writing, please note this is a strict office policy and part of the current legislation.

Please email any requests through to your Property Manager at


If an urgent/emergency repair is required, you (the tenant), should contact us immediately.

Office Number: 02 6672 2499

Elizabeth: 0474 908 555

Jason: 0477 711 858

Tania: 0438 446 578

Urgent repairs include:

  • a burst water service or a serious water service leak
  • a blocked or broken toilet
  • a serious roof leak
  • a gas leak
  • an electrical fault
  • flooding or serious flood damage
  • serious storm or fire damage
  • a failure or breakdown of the gas, electricity, or water supply to the property
  • a failure or breakdown of the hot water service
  • a failure or breakdown of the stove or oven
  • a failure or breakdown of a heater or air-conditioner
  • a fault or damage which makes the property unsafe or insecure

In the event that we are uncontactable, please refer to the following emergency repairers:

Electrician: Elfords Electrical 02- 6672 2090 OR;

Electrician: Larkin Electrical 02- 6672 1737

Plumber: Edwards Plumbing 02 – 6672 1226

Locksmith: Border Locksmiths 1300 526 011

Other Emergency Contacts are:

Police/Fire/Ambulance 000

State Emergency Services 132 500